October 20, 2014
How are you?? I hope you are doing well! I am
praying for all of you!!! <3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY to POPS, AUSTIN, JAEL and
BRAY!!!! <3 so sorry! I sent all of you letters, so I hope they get there!!!
<3 WELL! The weeks are just FLYING by! We are busy, and really trying to
work so hard! Also! Found out news! We are not just a trio anymore but a
foursome!!!! We are getting another companion from Tahiti! She has been out for
a few months and is coming over from Singapore! Her name is Sister T! So
it should be interesting how it will work out for the next 2 weeks! We are
really excited to build up KL! This last week was amazing! We went bowling with
the YSA in our branch and had one of our investigators come as well! It was a
blast! I was
AWFUL! But it was a lot of fun to get to know the YSA better! And
many of them are preparing for missions, so it's been really awesome just
talking with them about their preparations! We have seen a lot of miracles!!! I.
prayed in our lesson! She has been struggling, and wouldn't accept baptism but
she prayed at the end, and she really wants to have that relationship with God;
so we are really trying to help her have a good experience with praying! She is
so amazing! And we want her to understand how our Heavenly Father sees her! She
is his precious daughter and he is ALWAYS there for her! This week we also got
to meet with a girl from Nigeria! She can't be baptized until she goes back
home, but! She is the strongest woman I have ever met! She is so sweet! And has
such a love for Jesus Christ! She misses her family so much and has faced many
heart breaks and hard ships, but her faith is so strong! And is the only thing
that she has! I can't even get over how beautiful the hearts of the people in
this country are! It is inspiring! We were also able to meet with a less active
sister who has no testimony of the Book of Mormon, but loves the Doctrine &
Covenants! I have never bore such a h
eartfelt testimony of the truthfulness of
the Book of Mormon and the blessings that it brings into your life! And how it
works hand in hand with the Bible to truly testify of Christ, and help us come
unto him and partake of his goodness! We promised her that if she made the time
to read it God would bless her! We gave her a specific scripture to read, and
pray that she has a good experience in reading! We also had an AMAZING lesson with S.
this last week! We taught her about the plan of salvation and she had so many
amazing questions; some were really difficult to answer at times, but we were
able to testify to her that God has a plan for her and that he wants her to
return to him!
We just want her to find hope in the
message of the Gospel of
Jesus Christ! And know that it will help her overcome any trial that she faces!
AIYO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We also met with B. this week! Found out he can't be
baptized quite yet :( we are so sad! The status he holds in Malaysia keeps him
from doing so! BUT! We are really praying that next year he will be able to! He
IS AMAZING!!!! We were teaching the Word of Wisdom, and he said to us... “You
know our church (YA HE CALLED IT OUR CHURCH AHHH <3) should be in Myanmar!
You guys need to teach these things to the youth there!" I can't even tell
you how it amazes me the testimony and strength that these people have! They
know who their center is! And it is Christ!
I gave my talk yesterday in church and the
topic was john 21:15-17! This has become a topic very dear and close to my
heart! Christ has commissioned us to FEED HIS SHEEP!!! To be true Disciples of
Christ we must feed his sheep! We must follow him! What Christ needs are
Disciples... and he needs them FOREVER! "YOU CANT GO BACK"... this is
what Christ has told peter and I feel so strongly that this is what Christ has
told me... my wonderful companions take joy in reminding me how much time I
have in the mission! And all I can tell myself is that you can't go back! My
mission has changed me! I know who I stand for, I know what I must do; I know
who I must follow and I know that there are sheep to feed for the rest of my
life! I want to be able to answer my Lord in saying.. "Yea lord thou
knowest I love thee..." and do my very best to feed his sheep! Like
Jeffery R. Holland stated... "I may not be my brother’s keeper... but I am
my brothers brother" it's my prayer that we NEVER forget this! We are
brothers and sisters! Here to lift, love, and serve each other! Let us Love as
our savior did! And never go back!!!
Keep on keeping on family!!! LOVE YOU!!!
<3 EternallySister Waldvogel
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