June 9, 2014
Hello Family!! <3
How is everyone?! This week has been CRAZY!!! I'm in a trio and Sister Romney, Lebaron, and myself were all sick with something different! So Monday we rested which was really nice, then we went to FHE and taught the recent converts and some investigators about the importance of the Book of Mormon. Our theme for this month is ‘How lovely was the morning’ in memoriam of Joseph Smiths Martyrdom at the end of June. We invited all of them to read the Book of Mormon and finish it by Jan. 29th! We are excited to really get them "hooked to the book" as brother Koh said from our ward! The more I have been studying the Book of Mormon the more I realize how true it is! It really testifies of Jesus Christ… and I know it goes HAND IN HAND with the bible to testify of Jesus Christ! The only way to know this is to pray, and Ask God for yourself! This is what we invite others to do, and I testify it brings joy into your life! Even more so you come to understand how much God loves you! So Tuesday, we had interviews with President Mains! IT WAS SO
GOOD!!!! Wow! I really loved everything he said! He told me that it's a journey of becoming/improving, and we talked a lot about prayer! We also had MLC this week where we talked about the importance of Repentance! And when people talk about Repentance it’s not anything that is scary! It's merely change... improvement... using the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ to become more like him! And to Change! <3 how wonderful that we have that opportunity! This is evidence that God loves his children! I have been focusing on this so I can be a more pure vessel for my savior Jesus Christ! MLC was soooo good! I love the spirit that I feel every time I go there! It was extremely strong this time!! :) It always makes me want to be better!!! We met with Amu and Vasugi!!! THE CUTEST people eVER!!!! They fed us Indian food! They are less active, but Amu wants to come back to church! SO! We are working on really helping Vasugi her mom :) we love them so much! We shared a message about the importance of the Book of Mormon and reading every day! They were really touched and could feel Gods Love! I just absolutely LOVE being a missionary, and although I am imperfect, God still helps me to
help his children! :) Anyway! Oh my heart BROKE this week!!! :( Ethan the guy that Sister Trottier and I met at the beginning of my mission! He is super cool! He gave us back the Book of Mormon this week, and I just wanted to cry. I never felt so heartbroken! BUT! It was ok, we were able to testify of the Love that God has for him! Just like I was told... every trial/disappointment/heartbreak has the potential seed for a greater blessing! I know that no matter how hard things get if I am giving my BEST!!!! It will eventually turn into a blessing! :) This week was really busy, but I’m so grateful for my companions and their diligence! This is probably the hardest I have worked! And it's been AMAZING!!! We have a really great vision! And have been planning really well and have a lot of potentials! Sunday was AMAZING!!! We had 5 investigators come to church! And Ivan is going to be baptized this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are soooo excited! Will take pictures and let you know how it goes! I love you SOOOOOO much family! You are the BEST!!! <3 I know that even when times are hard, if we just pray, ASK and are willing to act on the answer God gives us and align our will with his, we will be able to do all things!!! I LOVE YOU FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3Love
Sister Waldvogel
"Do your VERY best
and give the Lord the REST"
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