June 16, 2014 HI FAMILY!!! <3 HAPPY FATHERS DAY POPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3
LOVE YOU!!!!!!! How is everyone?! I pray you’re all doing well! WOW! This week
was AMAZING/CRAZY!!! We are really trying to be diligent in all things! And
it's paying off! We are seeing so many miracles!! First things first! (I.) GOT
BAPTIZED!!!!! I’ll send a picture! But funny story! We show up on Saturday to
the chapel... and the roof (right above the car park) is leaking like a
waterfall!!!! We freak out and run up the stairs to the baptismal font in fear
that we broke the church! But it was okay! All was well in life! Except the
baptismal font wasn't filling up! So we decided we needed to plug the drain...
so what’s our first thought? A plate from the kitchen (hahhaha)! Nobody is in
properly attired to enter the water so I volunteer as tribute (because I’m in a
black skirt) and I get SOAKED!!!! Meanwhile we are praying this will work....
it doesn't... ;( BUT! The kind custodian comes to the rescue! Meanwhile we are
FREKING OUT because our investigator is sooooo late!!! And sister Lebaron and I
are about to have a panic attack when I. comes out of the elevator and all he
says is "I'm here..." and goes the bathroom to change!! WOW! We about
died! It was all a lot funnier and stressful in the moment... but it makes for
a good story! All was well... even though Satan tried hard, HE FAILED!!! Roundhouse kick to the face ;) okay! So now to talk about this week! I bought a
really cool scroll from Chinatown that says ‘Families are Forever’!!!! and I
got it at a discount because I started talking about the gospel and agency to
the woman who worked at the store... she asked me "Why do some Christians
do bad things!" and I answered simply with the fact that God loves us so
much he gave us our Agency to choose! And some people don’t make choices that
are in line with what God wants us to do! BUT! God is just :) anyway! It was
cool! :) She wasn't interested, but it was really nice to talk with her! And
spend time with the missionaries in Chinatown! Where we met a guy who tried to
hug me.... nothing can make a Sister Missionary feel more
'Families Are Forever'
squirrelly than when
some random guy tries to go in for a hug and you diss it with a nice forward
hand shake! ;) We had a ROCKIN Zone meeting thanks to Elder Johnson and
Isberto! It was set up like MLC and we had a council about a vision we want to
create for our Zone! :) It was soooo cool!!! :) The spirit was sooo strong!! I
know that God loves his Children so much! And I’m grateful my mission has
helped me come to that knowledge! We are trying to go to malls in Singapore and
set up a Family History Booth to invite people to come and learn more about the
website! (no proselyting allowed) and so this week we worked really hard trying
to talk to several different malls! It’s been CRAZY!!! And most malls can't
allow it but, we have seen a lot of miracles as well! :) We are going to keep
working toward it! :) Went on several exchanges this week with some of the
sisters! They are AMAZING!!! Our mission really has the best sisters!! I love
them so, so much! They each have such great desires and work so hard! I'm
really grateful that I am able to learn so much from their wonderful examples!!
Eating Duck Intestines
After I’s baptism, we were able to visit a less active sister who is going through
a hard time and helped her to really feel Gods love and Awareness of her! It
was such a neat experience to bring the spirit in and help her to come tochurch! Everything is going really well! We found 2
new invest. this week!!! MIRACLE!!!!! We have been working a lot with part
member families! Visited Sister G's family! And her ADORABLE son C.J. told
me I was Snow White and looked like I was from fairy tale land!!! I wanted to
die it was so cute! We are going to teach the lessons to her family (who are
members) and her husband (who is not) :) Please pray for them!!! :)
family! This week was excellent! Worked really hard... and really felt the Love
God has for his children! I really hope that you guys know how much God loves
you!!! And how much I love you!!! I'm so grateful to have DAD in my life! You
have taught me what it means to be a real Man by how you love Heavenly Father
and how you love Mom and our Family! I'm SOOOO eternally Grateful for you!
<3 LOvE YOU FAMILY!!!! And friends!!!!! <3
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