October 27, 2014
Hi family,
How are you? I have been praying for you a lot this week! This week has been both amazing and really hard! We got our new companion Sister T. from Tahiti! She has been out 4 months and she is a ROCKIN missionary! She has a great testimony and has amazing experiences in her life that have helped her to be where she is now! Things are very interesting as a foursome companionship! It can be really difficult, but we see a lot of miracles! And we are able to get a lot of work done! :) We went heart attacking this week with the elders; we do this after district meeting (which we had in a subway near the KLIA train station when we picked up our new companion; that was interesting, but we had a great district meeting where we learned that missionary work is a lot like dating... haha, and we read the talk about following up! it was an unforgettable training)! Anyway! It’s been really cool< 3 attacking! I feel like it really is helping us to get to know the branch members better! It’s also really fun to watch elders try to cut out and decorate hearts ;) we keep getting caught though! But it's all good! They usually feed us and we share a message! :)
The coolest miracle EVER happened on Wednesday though! The lovely Uncle Bill and Aunt Stacie met a girl named C. while they were in Northern Utah! C. is from Malaysia, and when they found that out they gave her my email so she could send a referral! She emailed me and I seriously love her! She is the best! Her mom lives here in Kuala Lumpur actually like a 5 min. walk from where I live! She gave us her mom’s address, so after much prayer, we went to visit her on Wednesday! After the miracle of getting past security, and getting past the gate (there was a cardboard block on the gate that made it impossible to get to the doorbell) we finally reached the bell! She came out and asked who it was, I asked if her name was M, then I told her "I’m Sister Waldvogel from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and we have a message to share with you, do you have time to talk??" she started to reject and I felt very prompted to say "M, we have been sent here by your daughter C, and she loves you very much..." I couldn't say anything else as I had started to cry. And what happened next was a miracle... She opened the door! As she opened the gate, tears flooded her eyes, as well as mine! I walked up to her and just gave her a big hug. She then invited us in. She asked so many questions about how we came here? How we knew C?? So I explained the story of how it all happened! We were all crying at this point; she then told us that we were an answer to her prayers!!
We gave her a plan of salvation pamphlet committing her to read it, and she said she would come to church! She couldn't make it on Sunday, but she wants to come! The spirit we all felt that day was STRONG!
Needless to say! THIS WAS A MIRACLE!!! I have never in my life felt the spirit so strongly! I know that this is why I am here! I know that God is real! I know that he only gives good gifts! And that he is merciful, and he reaches out to his children! We must follow his promptings that we receive through the Holy Ghost! The rest of this week was a little difficult with our investigators progression and finding new investigators, but we see miracles! They are happening! GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS!
We were able to meet several investigators that we haven't been able to meet with in quite some time! And we have a lot of great potential investigators! Because the Members in KL ROCK! And invite so many of their friends to learn about the gospel!!! <3 YA! Family! I love you so much! I can't even tell you! But I know that the Lord will bless you! And I pray that you feel his love for you! I know that this church is true! I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ was restored through the prophet Joseph Smith, and I know that Jesus is the Christ and that HE LIVES! HE LOVES and because of this we too will live again... And we too must love as he loves!
Keep on keeping on<3
Sister Hailee Waldvogel <3