November 24, 2014
Hi family!!! <3
How is everyone?!
Things are going really well in Bedok!!!
Everyone better get their umbrellas cause its RAINNIG MIRACLES!!!! Cheesy but
TRUE!!! We have been really focusing on finding new investigators through part
member families in our ward! And we have been visiting a lot of less active
members!! As we were walking to the low family’s home, my companion was like! I
know a less active that lives here. I’ve met him before! He gave us food! She
was like! We passed him to Bedok! There is no way this is him... guess what?!
IT WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we went inside and visited with him and his
wife! They are so amazing! AND still totally have testimonies! WE ARE SO
excited to be working with them! We are having an FHE with them tomorrow night,
and we hope to help their two sons prepare for missions! It’s amazing how the
Lord is aware of every one of his children!
And lately it's CRAZY, we have had
people come up to us wanting to know more about the gospel! And one sister came
up to us, and said, you are missionaries for the church of Jesus Christ of
latter day saints! She had learned from missionaries before so we got her phone
number and invited her to church! We will be meeting with her this week! She
isn't in our area, but we have seen so many miracles in this area! And we have
created an AWESOME vision to work with the members; 1 Nephi 8:12 being our
scripture!!! :) We are WAYYY excited!!!! We have a message to share to
strengthen their faith and testimony in Christ and his atonement!
I know as I
have been studying the atonement, it's become so much stronger to me! I have
really come to understand that all things are possible through the atonement!
And the atonement is the center of this gospel! We are nothing without it! But
with it... everything can be possible for us! I love you so much family!!!! I’m
praying for you!!!!
Sister Waldvogel
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