July 14, 2014
How are you this week?? I’m so happy for
Justin! Can’t wait to meet his wife! The wedding looks BEAUTIFUL!! Congrats! :)
Well! This week was CRAZY! Most all of our
appointments cancelled which was really sad, but we aren't going to let it get
us down! :) Last week my feet were eaten by Fish! haha Elder Robinson’s family
was in Malaysia and took the sisters to the fish spa... for those who know me,
know I hate my feet being touched... so you can imagine how terrifying it was!
Everyone else got a kick out of it! :) We then went to the National Mosque and
it was SO COOL!!!! We had to wear a hijab, and robe (which looked TERRIBLE on
me haha) but it was a really neat experience! They had a cool chart to show
from Adam down to Muhammad and how the Muslim religion came to be; it was very
interesting to see! :)
On Tuesday we had zone meeting and it was really good! The zone leaders taught us about how we need to change our paradigm (or the way we think) to be able to have a change wrought in our hearts or in other words to repent! It was a really awesome training! It’s cool to see the missionaries that I knew when trained, already grow so much! :)
We went on exchanges with the Subang Sisters
this week (sister Asanuma and Sister Chan) and it was a BLAST!!! I went with
Sister Asanuma! She is from Japan and literally the cutest person I have ever
met!! She is such an amazing example of a pure disciple of Christ; I just want
to be like her! We were able to go and visit a sister from her ward that was in
the hospital and the elders (elder Moore and elder Chang) were able to give her
a blessing! She really appreciated it! I'm so AMAZED at the awesome member
missionaries that are in Malaysia! I am learning so much from all of them! This
sister was in the
hospital and talking to her Dr. about the gospel! WOW! She
rocks! It started raining after we left (my first experience in Malaysia rain..
hahah it doesn't just rain, it pours) so the Elders were kind enough to run to
a store and buy umbrellas for us! Later in the day it stopped raining and got
REALLY HOTT!!! We walked super far to some houses we were going to visit from
the branch and I have never sweat so bad in my life! AIYO! haha but it was fun
to talk with sister Asanuma and get to know her really well! We told each other
we were going to pray so that we could be companions someday :) hahah :) we
taught a lesson to this super awesome invest. R. and her boyfriend S!
They were so cool! we taught them the plan of Salvation, and S. (very well
versed in the Bible) asked me where in the bible it talked
about the 3 kingdoms
of glory being compared to the sun, the moon, and the stars; at that moment I
was very grateful for the spirit bringing back to my remembrance 1 Corinthians
15:40 (I’m glad I learned about that in a district meeting once!) I testify
that if we are striving to be worthy, the spirit can use us to bring one of our
Heavenly Father’s children unto him! It seems like such a simple thing, but it
was a big testimony builder to me! :) The spirit was so strong in this lesson
and it was a pleasure to see them at church on Sunday!!! :)
I love going on
splits with the sisters! It ROCKS! We have such AMAZING missionaries in this
mission! We met with a Sister and her family in our ward, the Y. family and she is so kind! They fed us very well! We taught them about faith and used a seed, then had them draw a tree and read a few versus from Alma 32 with them! I have really been thinking a lot about faith lately, and how I really want to be Faithful, and just have utter and complete Trust in my Savior Jesus Christ! It's something I know will take my whole life! But I’m grateful for my mission being such an amazing opportunity for me to practice exercising faith for the rest of my life!
Church was so cool!!! Sister Hillier and I
taught Young woman’s class! (There is only 1 here) and we talked about
covenants. It was such a neat experience to have a one on one lesson with this
girl! We talked about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and showed why covenants are
so important... They help us stay on the "straight and narrow path"
to return to our Heavenly Father... WHAT A HUGE BLESSING!!! :) I am so grateful
that God is so good! He sent his son Jesus Christ, whom I have been studying a
lot about lately... I have really asked myself... “do I know that Jesus Is the
Christ"... my answer; YES! He is the Christ... he performed miracles and
his miracles have not ceased! He has risen.. he has suffered.. he has overcome
Sin, death, loneliness, weaknesses, imperfections, everything for each of us!
It is because of him that all things are possible! And more than that, he is
the message! The simple message that we share! "Come unto me.... and I
will give you rest"... IT’S TRUE!!! I’m so grateful for the continued
mercy and grace that Christ gives me, and although I’m not a perfect vessel, I
know as I Give my best,I can give the Lord the rest! I love you all so much! I am praying for
you!!! Keep on keeping on! <3
Sister Waldvogel
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