Hi family!
We had a zone meeting on Tuesday, it was pretty good! Sister R. and I gave training on "Lord I Believe" by Jeffery R. Holland! I LOVE THAT TALK!!! It’s so good! :) It talks a lot about the man who comes to Jesus Christ’s apostles and asks them to cast the devil out of his
We had a WAYYY awesome miracle after our planning session! So, we were getting ready to go and visit LAs, when we received a phone call from one of the sisters in the mission. She was going through a rough time and we were able to talk with her! Anyway we had to change some of our plans because of the time, and as we were trying to make new plans nothing was working. So we finally just narrowed down to visiting a sister who lived close to us! We went to the home and a man answered the door saying that we had the wrong person. Just as we were about to leave, a super adorable indian (Singaporean) lady comes to the door and says! Missionaries!!! Please come in come in! We were in shock! Come to find out this is another less active member we wanted to visit, she stays with her mom and husband! She and her mom are less active! We got to know them, and even set up a return appointment! They are going to make us Indian food!!! SO EXCITED!! :) They are the sweetest! Even tho it was really frustrating that our plans weren’t working out, we realized the Lord was directing us to them! IT WAS AMAZING!!!! haha I love everyday miracles! :)
Well, I GOT TO SEE SISTER TROTTIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 I met her family! She came back to Singapore to visit with her parents and sister! I was so happy to see her! It made my week! :)
I also went on exchanges with Sister Alfrey! And that was a blast!!! We went contacting down by Mariana Bay and got SUN BURNED hard core! But I have a great tan now hahaha! It was really nice to spend time with her! I love her so much! She is just an amazing missionary, and one of my best friends!!
We went to visit the cutest family the C. family! Dad from Australia Mom from China, and the CUTEST halfsy kids! Two girls and one boy! It was so fun to be around these kids! They are ADORABLE! The elders taught about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we talked to them about faith and repentance! It was fun to teach little kids. It's so interesting how the gospel is SO simple, but we often try to make it so complicated! The gospel is amazing, and God loves each of his Children so much! As we trust in him and turn to him, he will take our hand and lead and guide us! Until that wonderful day that we can see him! :)
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Sister Waldvogel
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